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(IUCr) Statutes and By-Laws(a) to promote international cooperation in crystallography;
Statutes of The Document Foundation β The Document FoundationStatutes of The Document Foundation This English version of the statutes is provided for convenience only. Being based in Germany, the only legally binding version is the German text below. Statutes of βThe Document Fo
The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality | CPSC.govInformation provided in this safety guide is based on current scientific and technical understanding of the issues presented and is reflective of the jurisdictional boundaries established by the statutes governing the co
Home - Admissions 2022 - 2023Tezpur University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1994. The objects of this Central University as envisaged in the statutes are that it shall strive to offer employment oriented and interdisciplinary courses t
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150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma GandhiTezpur University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1994. The objects of this Central University as envisaged in the statutes are that it shall strive to offer employment oriented and interdisciplinary courses t
Tezpur University,Tezpur,Assam,India,Pin 784028,A Central UniversityTezpur University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1994. The objects of this Central University as envisaged in the statutes are that it shall strive to offer employment oriented and interdisciplinary courses t
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Statutes | Federal Trade CommissionAn official website of the United States government
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